.Monday, June 30, 2008 ' 10:20 AM Y
Germany you play badly last night..!!!
Germany vs Spain
0 : 1
It's ok. At least they try there best..! =)
.Sunday, June 29, 2008 ' 10:49 PM Y

*Germany is great team and i think that they are going to beat spain 3 goals to 1. Its a team that has skillful players and experienced players. I bet Germany wins!!!
On another notes, People say my hair is honey star..! Whahahaha.. Laughing out loud. =)
Why not shooting star? But i think honey star nicer. Cos i'm honey with a star.
Oooop.. hehehe.. =]
. ' 1:40 AM Y
It's sat, I never work today.
Call up
Koh Junl Li to meet up.
So I headed to suntec city.
Koh Junli,
Xinyu &
Pei jenWe went to shopping.
Too bad, Don't have any clothes that suit me.
Xinyu &
Pei jen want to watch movie which is "Kung Fu Panda".
Marina Square is selling fast,
kar^hao went to suntec check the time slot.
Too bad. Show end 5pm.
!! I saw Uniform Group & the color party when i pass by suntec. It's remind me of last time de me. So smart wearing no.1 u.
I keep asking people, what is the best performance you most likely to watch??
My ANS: The parade & firework.
So went back to Marina Square to find them.
After that headed to cineleisure to buy ticket.
That's the show.

Po aka kung fu panda ultimately becomes a hero by learning that if he believes in himself, he can do anything.
Do i look like that panda??
This show is very funny & i learn alot of things.
Don't look down on people. Their talent is kept inside.
Through the determination & Dream he has, he can do it.
So can I..! =)
Just do it!!!
.Friday, June 27, 2008 ' 10:28 PM Y
Hey Hey hey..! Yuppie..!
Yeah Yeah!!!
I'm so so happy!!! =)
That's the picture of me yesterday.
Study until fall asleep. That's candid shot.
Jiejie took it de. Study till 2.30am.
wake up at 6am. Drank coffee when I wake up.
Another note is that can you see the star fade le..!

Hohohoho.. Know why i so happy today?
Test over le.. This round Common Test,
Kill alot of my brain cells. =)
Today after last paper,
went to Square 2 shopping centre which is at novena with
Terrance &
We went to eat our breakfast cum lunch.
There see
kar^hao is so stress & relax after test.
One way of release stress which is unhealthy..!

Hahaha..! Dun worry la.. After eating go walk walk.
Then my brother kum chuen call me up.
We went to play ~~bball = basketball~~.
Exercise wor..! =)
.Thursday, June 26, 2008 ' 1:53 AM Y
Finally i'm back..
Stress studying for the past few days.
Study study & study drive me nuts.
Friday last paper.
Never will i give up till the very last moment.
Kkz.. Monday went to my brother chalet.
Fun. Hahaha.. After test straight away go.
Been playing mahjong, eat & drink.
The next day have to wake up at 6am.
Have a glass of
Jack Daniel that night.
!!!All time favourite hard liquor!!!
Don't worry chalet i also got study.
Whohoho.. Today so call last paper le.
Cos tml no test, so have to wait for friday.
TODAY IS ESTHER BIRTHDAY'S!!!So after my last paper at 3pm,
Esther & me went to Vivo city & have our early dinner.
We go to a hong kong restaurant.
The food is nice. :)
See the spoon, forks and knife is inside the box.
My favourite *Chicken chop cheese baked rice*,
*Yin Yong* & cream soup.

After that we went to watch a movie.
You Don't mess with the Zohan.
It's a must watch show.
Girls or guys who are horny,
Don't miss it. So funny!!!

After the show we went up to the roof-top to have our heart to heart talk. =)
I think After so much stress, It's time to relax for awhile.
Although tml no test, But I'm going to study for friday test.
As i say I'll never give up till the very last moment.
Kar^hao eye bag is getting darker n darker. =(
It's ok. My effort do prised. =)
.Sunday, June 22, 2008 ' 11:03 PM Y
Yup Yup Yuppie..! =)
I'm relax studying..
Hmmmm.. Tomorrow test.
My Brother open chalet tml.
Sianz la.. Open chalet during my test.
Haizz.. No choice. I think will be going down bah..
Not really quite sure.
Another note is that Charlotte ask me not to stress.
Cos she say the more I stress,
The faster my hair grow den the star no more liao!!
I'm laughing out loud loud.
Yesterday saw my LTM Troupe the korkor at sengkang.
Cos yesterday got Jin Dong Fu Troupe Yew keng.
I very long never saw him le.
He still the same so caring towards me.
Keep asking me back. =)
LTM is Fierce. Just bring it on..!
.Saturday, June 21, 2008 ' 12:55 AM Y
2 more days of study le.. Headache!!!
So stress..!
Single life is so sucks.
I don't want be alone.
When i need to study no one will be there.
This is life.
Independent kar^hao=Kiss my ASS.
I can't live w/o friend.
At least 1 or 2 person beside me I'll be content..!
Gonna Stop study & stress out 1st.
Headache is killing me..
.Friday, June 20, 2008 ' 12:36 AM Y
Gerald told me this..
If i became a gay he will beat me up..!!
P.S: Don't worry..! I'm still a man..! =)
3more days to Common Test!!!
Gosh.. I'm still trying very hard to learn. =(
1st time met junli mother. Very scary sia.
she say me: "Do i look like a tiger to you?"
Hahaha.. I'm laughing out loud man..
I won't forget this quote. Very familar.
kkz.. Still ok la.. Chatting with her not that bad.
Just 1st time see her scary onli. =)
Singapore is reali reali small. I know Junli,
My jiejie also know her. Somemore my jiejie know her jiejie.
Jiejie told me that last time we leave at yishun always buy coffee powder, plate, cooking pot etc. from her shop de.
If i not wrong is her Ah ma shop or what la.. Hehehe..
Miracle sia..!
So walk to her house with her mummy. After that we study at Rivervale Plaza.
I think i'm surprised that i do study hard now.
Last time i dun care, but now totally different.
I got the passion..
Whahaha.. My passion won't last long.
(=kar^hao=) Jiayou wor..!!!
.Thursday, June 19, 2008 ' 12:07 AM Y
Today so boring. Study until Crazy sia.
Mummy was surprised that i stay at home studying.
Wah Ah Boi..! Study hard arh.. =)
My sweet sweet daddy buy this playboy belt for me..
I'm so happy..!
Another photo.
Actually Sheralynn that time go oversea buy me a playboy lighter but it's spoil.
Don't know why it's spoil. All Lighter shop owner can't fix it.
So sad. =(
So sorry..!

.Wednesday, June 18, 2008 ' 12:55 AM Y
Hmmmm.. Alot of things happen today.
1st.. As promise to update my star hair photo..!
!! A big change..!
Surprised mah? Hehehe..

That's the Totototo me.. =)
People say my hair look nice wor.. Style man.. Hehehe..

Kkz.. Today meet
Janice at 1pm compass kfc study.
I'm teaching her automation control.
Is actually automatic control but all along i've mistaken it.
We study until 3pm.
After that
janice went to school so she ask me to follow her but i dun want to go school.
Another thing is she meet her friend den after that meet boyfriend.
Never mind, So msg junli out.
Luckily, she accompany me. If not i die alone with boredness.
Kkz, so saw
xin yu &
junli together at compass.
We went to take bus 27 & meet
pei jen to hougang mall.
Once we reach our destination, we went to eat ban-mian .
After eating our noodle, we went to
CELARE to eat our ice-cream.
I order
cookie&cream with oreo ice-cream.
Not bad la, just very sweet. =)

My ice-cream, beside me is
junli, den
xin yu, den opposite me is
pei jen.

After eating the ice-cream,
Gerald call me.
He told me his GF the ah ma pass away.
So take cab down to there lor.
So met my brother-
Chin how,
Kum chuen.
chin how reach 1st. waited for me very long. =)
He wait for me together go take joss-stick to pay our respect.
Follow by
kum chuen.
Kum chuen &
Chin how have to book in camp so they leave early.
Me accompany
gerald till 11.30pm den go home.
Yes yes yes. This is the moment i've been waiting for..!
My new ~~LV Wallet~~
I've save $720 to buy it. Gosh.
My jiejie help me buy de.

It's very bulky & big. Kinda of sad. =(

Anyway, I still feel happy. =)
Happy go lucky..!Once change everything oso must change.
Throw all the un-happiness away & Feel happy everyday.
There's always a thing i believe is you can change whether you want or dun want.
People onli can advise, Yes/No your choice.
You choose your path, Nobody
STOP you..!
.Tuesday, June 17, 2008 ' 12:17 AM Y
Oh.. I'm kinda of Crazy..! Hehehe..
As your know
kar^hao will never cut his hair like that de..
Ok.. I think is C.O.O.L la.. Aiyo..
Is that real kar^hao.. =)
He changed le.. Ooooop..!
Bravo till the max..
I'm like the sun shining BRIGHTLY on your LIFE!!!
I'm your SunshineI'm your sunshine, your only sunshine.
I'll make you happy when skies are grey.
You'll never know dear, how much I love you.
Please don't leave your sunshine away.
The other night dear, as I lay sleeping,
I dreamt I held you in my arms.
When I awoke dear, I was mistaken,
So I hung my head down and cried.
I'm your sunshine, your only sunshine.
I'll make you happy when skies are grey.
You'll never know dear, how much I love you.
Please don't leave your sunshine away.

# More photo of my hair will be updated..! #
.Monday, June 16, 2008 ' 12:20 AM Y
Hello hello..
L-O-V-E, I love you and you love me. =)
Daddy day wor..
Hehehe.. So boring.
Yesterday slp at 6am den wake up at 9am.
The feeling is WoW!!!!
Nothing is impossible, because i'm possible.
Believe in yourself. Look forward to it.
Never give up.
I won't blame you. =)
I won't look down on you.
I want thanks you.
He is better den me that's why you choose him.
Your have my bless, my prayer & my smile.
Good luck. All the Best. Stay happy.
Look for your future. =]
.Sunday, June 15, 2008 ' 12:45 AM Y
Hey Hey..!
Today is kar^hao independent day.. =]
I went to bugis alone man.
I took train to city hall den to bugis.
WoW, inside the train was so pack.
There's this gal keep very close to me.
Like want to hug me like that.
The BF was at the back looking at me.
I dun care. That gal keep looking at me like giving me hint.
When she get close to me, My heart beat gets faster.
When i reach bugis, she also get down.
She still look at me and give me a smile.
I'm stupid never get her number.
Hehehe.. Just kidding la..
Luckily, I'm still normal. heart still beating. =]
Hmmmm.. Went bugis to buy my star stud.
This is the Third time i buy liao. keep breaking.
1 for $10. Not cheap.
Apple iphone i want you. Singtel faster launch!!!!
.Saturday, June 14, 2008 ' 1:55 AM Y
Kar^hao has sat at a corner thinking about the past again..
He is not down anymore. The more I think,
The more I'll forget. Hehehe..
I Don't Care. My Hearts DEAD Le..
I think is back to normal.
Think so much also no point.
Only make me headache.
I'm enjoying life now.
I Forgotten to bring my hp home.
Left it at the office. So careless.
Hehehe.. =x
Today i make this balloon. Much more improvement le.
But the leg 1 big 1 small.. Hahaha..

Cute right. But i more cute right..? =]
That's the back view.
Is the effort that count man. =]
If there's a will, There's always a way.
Now den i know CareBear is so cute.
C'mon down to Downtown East at 6.30pm to take picture with CareBear.
Don't miss it because you gonna to regret.
(=kar^hao=) ~The Friendly Ghost~
.Tuesday, June 10, 2008 ' 1:14 AM Y
Kkz.. About yesterday sweet, I've eaten it. It's so nice man.
OMG..! really a huge lolipop.. hehehe.. =]
Today is my Gugu wedding. It's at Grand Hyatt Hotel. next to Far East Plaza.
It's really high class man. The food is very nice.
!!The nicer Shark Fin i ever eat. =p

That's me & my 2nd sister.

Ok we have drink alot of red wine man. Hehehe..
Am i really handsome? everybody is prising me. I need to slim down so that i can really be a handsome guy.
I'm now fat the nice. There's this auntie told me, not every fat person is as handsome as you. Cos I got the look. =]
I think that's the end of the story for today.
1 more thing is that I'm PROUD of myself..!
Thanks to that somebody.
Hot hot hot. My face and my ear is very red now.
That's jiejie say de.
.Monday, June 9, 2008 ' 1:34 AM Y
I'm back.. Yuppie!!! Finally finish my report. I'm enjoying right now. Stress out le. =]
Hmmm.. Junli gave me this XXL chupa chups bubble gum. She went to genting, luckily she still got xin buy something for me. Whahaha.. But junli you are dead. My 2nd sis also want.

That's the end of the story. I'm tired and need loads of rest. Nite nite..
.Saturday, June 7, 2008 ' 1:12 AM Y
Yesterday, do my presentation powerpoint until 4am. C.O.O.L.. Lucky can finish man. Have my lab test today oso. 1 shot fight till the end.
Finally I'm free. =]
2weeks study break.
I still left with 1 more report,monday must pass up. Don't worry. kar^hao can make it de.
last wed, I make this balloon at work. I know is ugly but is the effort that count.
I want make mickey mouse but is really really very hard. Still have to learn from the master.
Meet up chin how & Clique today.. Like very very long never meet them le. The feeling is great when i see them. We meet & play basketball at sengkang blk 260 the place when our secondary school hang up at. I'm back playing basketball with them. =]
After that, we from the basketball court jog to jalan kayu. Whahaha.. The idea came out from kum chuen. Then jog back to sengkang basketball court to slack. It's a good way to release stress also. A group of guys running at the high way. LoL. Flying without wing. Never give up.
Kkz.. I'm trying to relax for the moment. Stress out 1st den fight for my common test again.
Take Care people.
.Tuesday, June 3, 2008 ' 11:08 PM Y
Yesterday, I'm sick actually got mc den never go school. But end up got lab test.
Just because of that test & i'm so sick but no choice to go to school.
kar^hao still have not learn to give up.
He's still trying very very hard. =]
I'm still holding on tight.
My effort do praise. I make it. It's work!! So happy.
Ermz.. Today, keep feeling sleepy because of that strong pill i've take.
Nonetheless, I still holding on. BTW Thanks to people who care for me.
xiexie your. Especially
Terrance, my best brother.
I won't forget how caring you are to me. =]
I'm getting better now.
I'm stress for this few weeks. Project are killing me. 2presentation, 1 report & 1 more lab test.
One shot kill me bah.. AAAaaaaaHhhhhhhh..
Want to fight, fight till the end.
Never say die.
Fierce bah.
kar^hao jiayou..!!!
.Sunday, June 1, 2008 ' 9:30 PM Y
Oh.. I'm sick today so didn't went to work.
I need some space to hide. I really really very stress right now.
kar^hao don't avoid but to strive. Anyway lots of project are killing me.
I don't have time anymore.
Tiredness bring me lots of sickness.
I'm pack with project, work, friend, family & stress.
So hope you people dun blame me. Just give me time ok.
I think i've fall for you again.
I really dunno how??
Should i or not?
I need an angel to guide me.
Kar^Hao& He will treat you well.